赵雷 sophie

2025-01-08 00:25

赵雷 家乡歌词

我的家乡 越来越年轻 就像一件俗气的衣裳 越来越老的不止爸爸的脸庞 擦干那扇蒙着雾的车窗 我清晰的望到陌生的家乡 流失的岁月被冲抹 一切都变了 推开那扇锁了很久的门 房子里已无等待的人 我就像是从远方来路过这里的客人 高傲的大楼遮住了阳光 踩着一面一面沉睡的墙 沉睡的墙里曾经住着一家可爱的脸庞 彩色的容易腻嚼不出味道 回忆的黑白停留在年少 像那些过时却经典的老故事片 又一次看到那座时钟 我就知道自己快到家了 大风卷走叶子把灵魂丢给春天 这是我最终要归回的家乡 即使有再多践踏你的车辆 我想永远守着

La Grande Sophie Pardonner歌词

Зa n'a pas de prix Mais зa a du poids Pour faire de la place Et libйrer l'вme Зa dйpend pour qui Зa dйpend pour quoi Trouver la raison Celle qui me fera Pardonner et lвcher prise Abandonner mes pensйes nйgatives Pardonner, trouver la voie Et ne jamai

La Grande Sophie Danser sur le disco歌词

Danser sur le disco Le matin de bonne heure Quand je mets la radio Debout J´aime danser sur le disco Bouger de haut en bas Remuer mes doigts Partout Le monde ne tourne pas pour moi Le monde me regarde, je le vois Dans des boules à facettes Mon unique

Sophie Zelmani Precious Burden歌词

The life we shared together Is no life anymore It's time to praise to memories And put them wherever they can grow So you live in the stars now You live in the meads I'll spread you with my heart Over the fertile fields The love we gave each other Wa

赵雷 不开的唇歌词

一切好像有了 一切好像走了 一切好像都在躲着我 我没有办法挣脱 没有时间啰嗦 我没有耐心老实的等着 如果你能真诚的为我张开欢乐 我愿意抛开一切为你执着 我已经忘了秋天 最凄美的时节 你含着眼泪我与你分别 我不能顾忌太多 冬天已经来了 冰冻的湖面望不见春色 时间是星星的眼睛 望穿我的困惑 我会把我的故事讲给你亲爱的 啊啊啊 张开吧 啊啊啊 咿呀 张开吧 我不能说的太多 学着天空一样沉默 我会把我自己送给你亲爱的 时间是星星的眼睛 望穿我的困惑 我会把我的故事讲给你亲爱的 啊啊啊 张开吧 啊啊啊 咿

Sophie Zelmani Dreamer歌词

Seasons, my friend Colour me So we can blend Forbid me to go I know so little About the wind When it blows Dreamer, dreamer I'm walking out of your dream Take me off that parade And place me somewhere In yours sense of a shades Your night shuts my do

Sophie Zelmani Going Home歌词

Not very often have we met But the music's been too bad Can only sense happiness If the music is sad So, I'm going home I must hurry home Where a life goes on We're too old to make a mess Dreams will keep me young Old enough to stress Only mirrors te

Sophie Zelmani Goodbye歌词

I told you once I did After you'd taught me how It was never in my beliefs I'd ever learn to say goodbye How do you say goodbye How do you get free I tried to say goodbye But you still here with me If you say you never were here That you've never bee

Sophie Milman La Vie en Rose歌词

Des yeux qui font baiser les miens, 深眼令我明眸藏, Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche, 浅笑掠过他唇旁. Voilà le portrait sans retouche 本色形象无修饰, De l'homme auquel j'appartiens. 愿将此生与君常. Quand il me prend dans ses bras 每当拥我入胸膛, Qu'il me parle tout bars 低声对我说话. Je vo

Sophie Milman Eli, Eli (A Walk to Caesarea)歌词

Eli Eli she'lo yigamer l'olam hachol v'hayam rishrush shel hamayim b'rak hashamayim tfilat ha'adam hachol v'hayam rishrush shel hamayim b'rak hashamayim tfilat ha'adam Eli Eli she'lo yigamer l'olam hachol v'hayam rishrush shel hamayim b'rak hashamayi

La Grande Sophie Du Courage歌词

J'en connais qui tournent en rond J'en ai vus des dépourvus Des nouveaux départs qui nous mènent nulle part Des guerriers à la télé, Des héros dans ma salle à manger J'en ai lues des histoires vraies Mais la question que j'me pose Sans cesse : Où j'p

Sophie Zelmani Black Day歌词

Was it easy Was it hard We will always wonder about that part Were you crazy Were you brave That's what we all wonder about today We will live through this black day We will pray by your young grave We will live through this black day We will stand b

赵雷 画歌词

为寂寞的夜空画上一个月亮 把我画在那月亮下面歌唱 为冷清的房子画上一扇大窗 再画上一张床 画一个姑娘陪着我 再画个花边的被窝 画上灶炉与柴火 我们一起生来一起活 画一群鸟儿围着我 再画上绿林和青坡 画上宁静与祥和 雨点儿在稻田上飘落 画上有你能用手触到的彩虹 画中由我决定不灭的星空 画上弯曲无际平坦的小路 尽头的人家梦已入 画上母亲安详的姿势 还有橡皮能擦去的争执 画上四季都不愁的粮食 悠闲的人从没心事 NA NA NA... 我没有擦去争吵的橡皮 只有一支画着孤独的笔 那夜空的月也不再亮 只有

赵雷 南方姑娘歌词

北方的村庄 住着一个南方的姑娘 她总是喜欢穿着带花的裙子站在路旁 她的话不多 但笑起来是那么平静优雅 她柔弱的眼神里装的是什么 是思念的忧伤 南方的小镇 阴雨的冬天没有北方冷 她不需要臃肿的棉衣去遮盖她似水的面容 她在来去的街头 留下影子芳香在回眸人的心头 眨眼的时间 芳香已飘散 影子已不见 南方姑娘 你是否习惯北方的秋凉 南方姑娘 你是否喜欢北方人的直爽 日子过得就像那些不眠的晚上 她嚼着口香糖 对墙漫谈着理想 哎哎 南方姑娘 我们都在忍受着漫长 南方姑娘 是不是高楼遮住了你的希望 哎嗨 昨日

Sophie Zelmani Song of the Night歌词

This must be my last song for you All of me is in there I'll call it what I've been calling you You're the song of the night Nobody knows that you are here In my mind I've got to do something else Than let you take my time You are the song of the nig

Sophie Zelmani Stay With My Heart歌词

Sophie Zelmani Lyrics Stay With My Heart Written by: Sophie Zelmani Fell in love with my lover in the morning Or maybe I fell long before you Now I wonder what lovers are missing and how the name seems to mean passing through It's a sad but maybe a s

Sophie Madeleine The Knitting Song歌词

I'm going to knit myself a sweater. A sweater that will keep me warm at night. Just how many days here must I weather? Just biding my time... 'cause when I call you on the phone, I'm still lost, I'm still alone. Who's going to make it right? (Oooh wa

Sophie Zelmani This Room 歌词

In this room There's a man with a heart That I can understand He believes in God and that he Will be back again In this room there's love You can always come here To feel it again But if someone leaves You desperately Wish them back again In this roo

Sophie Milman Take Love Easy 歌词

Easy, easy Take love easy, Never let your feelings show Make it breezy, breezy breezy Easy come and easy go Never smile too brightly brightly When your heart is riding high Let your heart break, oh so slightly When your baby says goodbye That well kn

Sophie Ellis-Bextor Murder on the Dancefloor歌词

(Murder) It's murder on the dancefloor But you better not kill the groove Dj, gonna burn this goddamn house right down Oh, I know I know I know I know I know I know About your kind And so and so and so and so and so and so I'll have to play If you th