Komm,süsser Tod - arlie Ray

2024-12-21 20:52

arlie Ray Komm,süsser Tod歌词

I know I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could live for no one else But now through all the hurt and pain It's time for me to respect The ones you love mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart I feel the

日本ACG Komm, süsser Tod (甘き死よ、来たれ)歌词

I know I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could live for no one else But now through all the hurt and pain It's time for me to respect The ones you love mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart I feel the

鷺巣詩郎 Komm, süsser Tod/甘き死よ、来たれ(M-10 Director's Edit. Version)歌词

I know I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could live for no one else But now through all the hurt and pain It's time for me to respect The ones you love mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart I feel the

鷺巣詩郎 "Komm, süsser Tod" TUMBLING DOWN-MIX歌词

I know I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could live for no one else But now through all the hurt and pain It's time for me to respect The ones you love mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart I feel the

鷺巣詩郎 Komm, süsser Tod~甘き死よ、来たれ歌词

I know I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could live for no one else But now through all the hurt and pain It's time for me to respect The ones you love mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart I feel the

日本ACG Komm, süsser Tod(M-10 Director's Edit. Version)歌词

I know I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could live for no one else But now through all the hurt and pain It's time for me to respect The ones you love mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart I feel the

EXIT TRANCE Komm,susser Tod~甘き死よ、来たれ歌词

Komm,süsser Tod/甘き死よ.来たれ (Come on,sweet death/来吧,甜蜜的死亡) <新世纪福音战士剧场版:THE END OF EVANGELION>插入歌 作词(日):庵野秀明 译词(英):Mike WYZGOWSKI 作曲.编曲:鷺巢詩郎 演唱:ARIANNE I know, I know I've let you down/我知道,我知道,是我让你失望了 I've been a fool to myself/对自己来说我不过是傻瓜 I thought tha

arlie Ray 残酷な天使のテーゼ (English Version)歌词

Like a legend of cruelty angel I know you will be never fading story 残酷な天使のテーゼ 歌: Arlie Ray I feel a crystal wind breeze It keeps on knocking those fish under aquas You're staring with smile It's only for me You are there only for me Slowly you've to

日本ACG Komm, susser Tod/甘き死よ、来たれ歌词

I know, I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could live for no one else But now through all the hurt & pain It's time for me to respect the ones you love mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart (I) feel the

日本ACG Komm, susser Tod歌词

I know, I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could live for no one else But now through all the hurt & pain It's time for me to respect the ones you love mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart (I) feel the

arlie Ray 残酷な天使のテーゼ (Japanese Version)歌词

残酷な天使のように 少年よ 神話になれ 蒼い風がいま 胸のドアを叩いても 私だけをただ見つめて 微笑んでるあなた そっとふれるもの もとめることに夢中で 運命さえまだ知らない いたいけな瞳 だけどいつか気付くでしょう その背中には 遥か未来 めざすための羽根があること 残酷な天使のテーゼ 窓辺からやがて飛び立つ ほとばしる熱いパトスで 思い出を裏切るなら この宇宙(そら)を抱いて輝く 少年よ 神話になれ ずっと眠ってる 私の愛の揺りかご あなただけが 夢の使者に呼ばれる朝がくる 細い首筋を 月あ

arlie Ray 残酷な天使のテーゼ(Advent, Wieder Ver.)歌词

I feel a crystal wind breeze It keeps on knocking those fish under aquas You're staring with smile It's only for me You are there only for me Slowly you've touched me in my heart But ever I was looking for someone I need A number of the fame will fal

日本ACG Komm, susser Tod 「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 劇場版 THE END OF EVANGELION Air/まごころを、君に」歌词

I know, I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could live for no one else But now through all the hurt & pain It's time for me to respect the ones you love mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart (I) feel the

COSMiC HOME Komm,susser Tod /甘き死よ、来たれ歌词

I know, I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could live for no one else But now through all the hurt & pain It's time for me to respect the ones you love mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart (I) feel the

arlie Ray 魂のルフラン (English Version)歌词

Get back to me when you are not here You ruin the clear sky The world filled with love, dream and your tears Under this star you will be called again Recalling your memories...... Realized a soul You were scanning poly once They are in ruely shadow I

arlie Ray 残酷な天使のテーゼ (DJ Use Mix)歌词

I feel a crystal wind breeze It keeps on knocking those fish under aquas You're staring with smile It's only for me You are there only for me Slowly you've touched me in my heart But ever I was looking for someone I need A number of the fame will fal

arlie Ray 翼をください歌词

いま私の願いごとが かなうならば 翼がほしい この背中に 鳥のように 白い翼つけて下さい この大空に 翼をひろげ 飛んで行きたいよ 悲しみのない 自由な空へ 翼はためかせ 行きたい 子供の時 夢見たこと 今も同じ 夢に見ている この大空に 翼をひろげ 飛んで行きたいよ 悲しみのない 自由な空へ 翼はためかせ この大空に 翼をひろげ 飛んで行きたいよ 悲しみのない 自由な空へ 翼はためかせ この大空に 翼をひろげ 飛んで行きたいよ 悲しみのない 自由な空へ 翼はためかせ この大空に 翼をひろげ 飛

arlie Ray 今日の日はさようなら歌词

いつまでも たえることなく 无论何时 都不须忍耐 友达でいよう 需要朋友的心情 あすの日をゆめみて 请来展望未来 希望の道を 畅想希望的道路 空を飞ぶ 鸟のように 想要像那在空中飞翔的鸟儿一样 自由に生きる 自由地生活 今日の日は さようなら 就在今日 你我分别 また会う日まで 我坚信着 信じあう 喜びを 会有再会的那一天 大切にしよう 把那份喜悦仔细地珍藏吧 今日の日は さようなら 今天 是离别的日子 また 会う日まで 直到 再会的那天 专辑:降臨.ふたたび 歌手:arlie Ray 歌曲:今

Eisbrecher Komm Susser Tod歌词

Ich bin ein Sklave der Nacht. Bin ohne Hoffnung geboren. Ich geh dem Tag aus dem Weg, in dunklen Träumen verloren. Meine Sinne sind zerrissen. Meine Seele ist verdammt. Und so zähle ich die Stunden bis das Ende endlich kommt. Komm näher, komm näher,

arlie Ray Beautiful World歌词

もしも愿いひとつだけ叶うなら 君のそばで眠らせて どんな场所でもいいよ Beautiful world 迷わず君だけを见つめている Beautiful boy 自分の美しさまだ知らないの It's only love 寝てもさめても 少年マンガ 梦见てばっか 自分が好きじゃないの 何が欲しいか 分からなくて ただ欲しがって ぬるい涙が?#93;をつたう 言いたいことなんてない ただもう一度会いたい 言いたいこと言えない 根性なしかもしれない それでいいけど もしも愿いひとつだけ叶うなら 君のそば