An Ode

2024-09-30 17:27

Wilds Forlorn Mother歌词

Mother 母亲 Under the grey 苍白之下 Lies beauty forgotten 容颜尽失 Under the grey 苍白之下 She wallows in pain 沉溺痛苦 Mother, they cannot see your hurt 妈妈,他们不能看到你的伤痛 They pray for false gods and take you for granted 他们祈祷虚伪的神,让你感到理所当然 And though I cry for you 虽然我为你哭泣

Wilds Forlorn Enmity歌词

Enmity憎恨 Miserable, gluttonous, conceited, vain 痛苦,饕餮,自负,虚荣 (We are a plague) (我们是一个瘟疫) Atrocious, repulsive, loathsome, vile 残暴,排斥,憎恶,卑鄙 (We are a cancer) (我们是一个癌症) Hatred, spite, malice, scorn 仇恨,怨恨,恶意,蔑视 (Misanthropic emnity) (愤世嫉俗) Extinction, er

Wilds Forlorn An Ode歌词

An Ode 颂歌 An ode to silence 沉默的颂歌 The end of this life that I damn 终此厌恶的一生 Every dawning day is the same as the last 每次拂晓曙光都是最后的黎明 Every road is but a dismal pathway to void 每条道路都是布满沮丧的荆棘 Phlegmatic, I shall forever expand these walls of apathy 冷漠,我将