Everyone Has A Secret

2024-10-01 09:44

The Pancakes Tamagawa歌词

歌名: Tamagawa 演唱: The Pancakes 附註: 作曲: The Pancakes, 編曲: The Pancakes 監製: , 填詞: The Pancakes everyone has a secret many authors are sad look at the children over there what is our difference why do they smile why do we cry all that i need is a hand to

The Pancakes Hallo Goodbye歌词

<<Hallo Goodbye>> give me strength to overcome the fears give me dough to buy another beer give me time to overcome the shadow of the love we shared and the nightmares that make me feel so scared i have a room i wanna be there all alone all my

The Pancakes Far Too Fast歌词

歌名: Far Too Fast 演唱: The Pancakes 附註: 作曲: The Pancakes, 編曲: The Pancakes 監製: , 填詞: The Pancakes i was on my way to my jet and i met someone whom i will never forget i drove my jet back to my flat but i kept thinking of the face under the hat na na...

The Pancakes Fake Bossa Nova歌词

fake bossa nova sometimes i pretend to be asleep when i think of all the times we weep i hide under books and dust and leaves reading all the letters that you keep under the shower counting the flowers no one sees my tears i feel as if i were a bee i

The Pancakes 越过高山歌词

歌名: 越過高山 演唱: The Pancakes 附註: 作曲: The Pancakes, 編曲: The Pancakes 監製: , 填詞: The Pancakes 呆坐公園的一角 忘掉你走那天寫過的詞 忘掉今天怎麼我會坐在此 忘掉今天怎麼我會坐在此 痴痴的看著天 我聽見 微風吹的節奏 但看不見 時光將新變舊 今天我告訴自己 明天會再遇你 我會跟你 回這地 重攜手嬉戲 乘坐火車東邊去 尋覓你的笑聲跟那草原 尋覓當天刻的那個怪圓圈 途上風景很不錯 長路有山有水三隻天鵝 前面孤身走的你也快

The Pancakes B歌词

see you coming see you passing by see you staring at me with despise well i won't try to beg for anything from you it's a matter of my dignity i won't try to make you admire me if you like me then it's fine if you don't i don't mind i don't care if y

The Pancakes Another Fifty Days歌词

another fifty days once in a while in the middle of the night i wake up and cry like a lost child on an isle something hurts so deep inside i just cannot let it slide wanna close my tired eyes wanna tell my friends goodbye you come you go like a mode

The Pancakes 中文歌歌词

中文歌 天開始昏沉 和你看日落 躺於繞山雲 迎接這序幕 夜色蒼茫 空中飄灰塵 和兩片落葉 當天的車痕 難以再辨別 日轉星移 但日出依然 如若我這次離去永不再回來 你會否終於感到我的存在 望著天花板想起當天一起編織的夢 我沒法與君一起進退 我願意化身輕風遠去 我倦了 我應歸家歇歇 专辑:Everyone Has A Secret 歌手:The Pancakes 歌曲:中文歌