L 'Ordre du Temple

2024-09-30 11:32

L 'Ordre du Temple Nine Shadows Behind The Temple歌词

Near the silence, weeping through the sand Nine are the ways to follow to Zadok's will Project your gaze to the mighty stars Searching the light in the Virgo's majesty Knowledge is the way, Qumran reveals it Red Cross of blood Nterazan protects We mu

L 'Ordre du Temple What Magic Is, What are the Parts thereof, and how the Professors thereof must be Qualified歌词

The number and the nature of those things Cal'd element,s what fire, earth, aire forth brings; From whence the heavens their beginning had; Whence tide, whence rainbow, in gay colours clad, What makes the clouds that gathered are, and black, To send

L 'Ordre du Temple In Lode De L’Asino歌词

Oh sant'asinità, sant'ignoranza, Santa stoltizia, e pia divozione, Qual sola puoi far l'anime si buone, Ch'uman ingegno e studio non l'avanza! Non gionge faticosa vigilanza D'arte, qualunque sia, o invenzione, Né di sofossi contemplazione Al ciel, do