The season's passing by, You've left is all behind, And everything was so wonderful. In all the things we've done, Our memories will go on, And it's gonna be wonderful. We're back here on the shore, Couldn't ask for nothing more, You know it's gonna
2024-11-17 14:31
MONKEY MAJIK all by my self歌词
MONKEY MAJIK フタリ -English Version-歌词
You've left it all and now I'm feeling all the weight It's playing out as if what's right was a mistake You tell me how you feel you need another start It's funny I thought that we'd never be apart How long will it take, I can't walk alone without, y
MONKEY MAJIK A Christmas Song (Bonus Track)歌词
Monkey Majik+小田和正 Wow...Merry Christmas It's a time when we can share with ones we love There's a light inside your heart, just let it glow And don't let it go It'll brighten up your soul 日が暮れて 煌きだす街角 すれ違ってく やわらかな笑顔 舞い散る雪 それは 天使のよう 今夜は 街中が 幸せに包まれて 愛に
1996 - Monkey Majik 词:Maynard Plant・Blaise Plant 曲:Maynard Plant・Blaise Plant It's not so bad I tell you everynight I think about it everyday Something tells me that it'll be alright I get up I see you When I come home I'm fed up Won't you make it ri
MONKEY MAJIK watching you歌词
I don't have a clue what's in store this evening. Waking up just to do the same old thing have you ever felt that every minute was closing in and you don't know why, just take the time. and i'll let you in. Cause every moment's passing by if you look
I click the lights down low I cannot see no more 抜け出せない もう手遅れ Maybe I've got the shakes, 狭い got the shakes Oh baby! Won't you get me out of here I was lost, and now I found myself もう逃げられない重力崩壊 Got the shakes? ススメ got the shakes Oh baby! Won't you get
MONKEY MAJIK アイシテル -DJ Mitsu the Beats remix-歌词
どうして? いつから? 長い夢でも見ているような 終わりのはじまりなの? 暗くて 深くて 哀しみに満ちた世界の果てに 迷い込んだの しあわせすぎたの あなた残した記憶全てが わたしこれから ほつれた心 愛で紡いで いつまでも『愛してる』の 言葉の意味を教えてくれた あなたそのまま 瞳の奥に 笑顔のこして 永遠に静かに なぜなの? あのとき? ほんのわずかなすれ違い あの日に戻れないの? つらくて 苦しくて 届くことのない哀しみ こんなに切ないの oh『愛してる』の 言葉の意味を教えてくれた あな
MONKEY MAJIK Fast Forward歌词
何も怖くなんてないさ 手にしたものを失うくらい 争いを待つ事を繰り返して かすめて 何もかもを欲しがっていた 迷えるものの誓い 未だ見ぬ世界を創りだす事 朽ち果てていく 哀しい夢を遮(さえぎ)るものは 自らの闇だって If you make your time stand still You'll know what it means But why would you want to Makes me feel 何処からか 流れる景色変わらなくなって 音もなく解き放つ 畏れ断ち切り何時からか
『大丈夫だから-』 『キミならできる-』 その言葉で強くなれた 見渡すかぎり 真夏の夜空 語り明かそう このままずっと It's the summer time And I'm in love I'm just happy to be here with you Cause when I'm not with you I feel so blue Don't know what I'm going to do And if it wasn't for your care The heart yo
MONKEY MAJIK little things歌词
I wanted to go You wanted to stay We couldn't make up our minds that day You said it was cold Then I complained I shouldn't have laughed and walked away It's funny how life Can turn on a dime Think everything's going our way If we hadn't of fought We
ふたりで海まで 散歩はどう? 桟橋を越えて のんびり寝ころんでさ 灼けたビーチに 靴脱ぎ捨てて びしょ濡れになって 夕暮れに花火も 波打際で そっと笑うキミと ずっと一緒にいられたら It's all that I wanted ふたりの愛を重ねて 崩れ去った砂の城 心地いい 南風 眩しすぎた日射し 夏の日の幻 パラソルの下で眠るキミに 聞こえているかな? Is this real or am I dreaming now? 海鳥も空で 戯れあっている このまま時間が 止まればいいのに 波打際で
かわしたよろこびが 色のない日々の さみしさに花をそえる ガラスのくつ抱いて 笑顔で泣いている毎日は あとどれくらい かえる場所が見つからなくて 昨日より明日より今を まだ終わらない夜にしたくて いまふたりをつなぐ 僕たちの Story つくりたくて でもさきに夢みさせて おとぎ話の中の Princess The dream ain't over だれにも話せない 最初で最後の夜ならば あまく香る 林檎を口にして 貴方のむかえをよこたわり ひとみの奥 もういちど こうして巡り逢って くるおしいほ
「虹色の魚」 I'm out of my place I'm playing with fire Nothin' but the truth is on my mind 君にあって 僕に無くて 逃がさないで my only chance 少し息苦しくて I can't sleep おかしな夢 大きな虹色魚の背中に乗って 進むべき道の答えを I need you to answer now 教えてほしい 『大きく吸うのさ-深く潜るために-』 I'm out of my place I'm play
I didn't want to fight I didn't see your side Yeah, maybe I was blind Should take my own advice You say what's on your mind If I get hurt it's fine It's never out of line Just a matter of time But somehow you control my mind You do it to me every tim
MONKEY MAJIK The Apprentice歌词
It's never been this long Maybe leaving was wrong Countin' the minutes Can't admit it that I'm in it for the long haul I know I missed a lot I might have missed all And every telephone call had me thinking of what I forget What I know now, I still kn
届きそう-でも.届かない I'm tryin'hard but I can't seem to get it right あと少し-そう.あと少し Reach out my hand but there is nothing there for me to grab もう今すぐにでも 崩れて消え去って 無くなりそうで 諦めたなら 突然誰かが呟く 『入口は無限』 手をのばして 笑えなくなっても 泣きたくなっても Maybe I'll wait and pray to get me a better
MONKEY MAJIK Pretty People歌词
alright now here we go you say the world is changing don't seem so complicated wake up in the middle or the night with a newspaper beside your bed it's in your head! don't have to be educated cause half the people who "conduct the train" are ove
MONKEY MAJIK Happiness歌词
You know the pressure is building up on me. The news has got me convinced that everyone is guilty. Outside the rain is dripping,"oh so nice?" But wouldn't go out, couldn't just smile, I couldn't be me. Confusion's got the better part of me. And
わからない 待ちすぎたのかな/搞不明白 曾等过了头吧 もう哀しい終わりが 見えすぎて/已结束了哀伤 看过了头 美しい 想い出に浸り/沉浸于美丽的回忆 頬をそっと涙が 流れていく/涙水悄悄地从脸頬流下 Oh あの頃に戻れたら/哦 若返回那时节 小さな幸せを/小小的幸福 分かち合えていた/曾互相分享 何かが起こるのを/不知会发生什么 ただ待ち続けている 今よりも/祗是继续等待著 从现在起 あなたにはじめて 出逢ったあの夜/比与你初次邂逅相遇的那一夜 もっと強く抱きしめて 離さないで/更加与有力地搂抱
MONKEY MAJIK Headlight -piano version-歌词
そうか-失せるsorry no luck 途中で empty 今も never thought you'd bring me down more wine 誰の真似 so wise ここに立って これからどうなる change my life It's never gonna bring me down No never gonna bring me down 昇って沈む日が笑っていた It's never gonna bring me down No never gonna bring me